
spydrnet_tmr.analysis.voter_insertion.find_reduction_voter_points.find_reduction_voter_points(netlist, endpoints_to_replicate)

Find reduction voter points for a netlist before replicating

When a TMR boundary consists of replicated logic going to non-replicated logic, a reduction voter can be placed so that the separate TMR domains from the replicated logic can be voted on, and the correct signal will be passed to the non-replicated logic. Otherwise, only the signal from the primary domain would be passed to the non-replicated logic, which would make the other TMR domains disconnected to any other logic, and useless.

  • netlist (Netlist, required) – The netlist for which reduction voter points will be found.

  • endpoints_to_replicate (list, required) – Hierarchical references to top-level ports and leaf instances that are to be replicated in the design.


List of pin tuples at which voters will be placed. See insertion_points parameter in insert_organs for more details.

Return type
