
spydrnet_tmr.analysis.voter_insertion.find_after_ff_voter_points.find_after_ff_voter_points(netlist, endpoints_to_replicate, vendor_name)

Find Voter Points After Every Flip-Flop

Search for every flip-flip in the design within the endpoints to be replicated list that match the given flip-flip primitive names, and for each flip-flop find the output pin (only one output port for flip-flop primitives, so just choose the port with direction “OUT”) and add it to the insertion points set.

  • netlist (netlist) – netlist for which voter points will be found

  • endpoints_to_replicate (list) – List of all hierarchical instances and ports to be replicated. This list determines the places that voters will need to be inserted.

  • vendor_name (string) – name of vendor for finding flip-flop primitive


Set of pins at each point in the netlist where voters will be inserted.

Return type
