SpyDrNet-TMR and F4PGA
As of version 1.11.0, SpyDrNet supports the EBLIF netlist format. This was done in hope that SpyDrNet-TMR could be used to replicate designs run through F4PGA.
Note 1: The following is intended for designs targeted for Xilinx devices. Other device families have not been tested yet, but can likely follow a similar procedure.
Note 2: Becoming familiar with F4PGA by reviewing the various pages here may be helpful.
Steps to Replicate Designs Inside of F4PGA
Install F4PGA and enter the environment. See this page in the F4PGA documentation on how to do so.
Modify built-in F4PGA scripts
Create needed files
Modify Built-In F4PGA Scripts
Go into the INSTALL_DIR specified when installing F4PGA (which is likely ~/opt/f4pga/)
Go to /xc7/conda/envs/xc7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/f4pga/wrappers/tcl. This directory contains files used by symbiflow_synth.
Open xc7.f4pga.tcl. To make sure SpyDrNet has the necessary primitive information, add the following:
Right before the write_blif if-else part (at the very bottom), add “hierarchy -purge_lib”
Then, add option “-blackbox” to both write_blif commands
It should look like this:
hierarchy -purge_lib if { [info exists ::env(USE_LUT_CONSTANTS)] } { write_blif -attr -cname -param -blackbox \ $::env(OUT_EBLIF) } else { write_blif -attr -cname -param -blackbox \ -true VCC VCC \ -false GND GND \ -undef VCC VCC \ $::env(OUT_EBLIF) }
Add command to execute python tmr script
Executing the python script needs to be done between symbiflow_synth and symbiflow_pack. Do one of the following two options:
As the last command in xc7.f4pga.tcl from the previous step, put:
>>> exec python3 $::env(TMR_SCRIPT) $::env(OUT_EBLIF) $::env(CONSTRAINT_NEW)
Or, in the line under the symbiflow_synth command in common.mk (a file that is described in next section), put:
>>> && python3 ${TMR_SCRIPT} ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}/${TOP}.eblif ${CONSTRAINT_NEW}
As well as a \ at the end of the previous line
Create Needed Files
Makefile - create a new Makefile. Copy and paste the following into it and enter the needed information.
current_dir := ${CURDIR}
TOP := <name of top module>
TARGET := <board_name>
SOURCES := ${current_dir}/<path to Verilog source files>
TMR_SCRIPT := ${current_dir}/<path to python TMR script>
XDC := ${current_dir}/<original constraints file>
CONSTRAINT_NEW := ${current_dir}/<file detailing new constraints>
include <path to common.mk>
common.mk - this is a common Makefile found under f4pga-examples/common. You can copy and paste it into your current directory or just set the path to it. Whether you create a new one or use the modified original, be sure to include a path to it.
Verilog Source Files
XDC (Constraint File) - constraints for the design as if it were not to be replicated. This keeps symbiflow_synth from running into errors.
CONSTRAINT_NEW - simple text file that contains port_name:pin pairs. Note that only ports that are replicated should be included.
The following is a line from a constraints file for #4:
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { sw[0] }];
And here are the matching replicated constraints for #5 (assuming the port is replicated):
sw_TMR_0[0] V17 sw_TMR_1[0] V16 sw_TMR_2[0] W16
TMR_SCRIPT - a python script that uses SpyDrNet to replicate the design. See next section.
Create the Python Script
- In the TMR script, be sure to do the following:
Replicate design and insert voters
Connect unconnected pins to dummy nets. See Connect Unconn Nets To Dummy.
Update constraints. See Fix and Update Constraints.
Compose the netlist to the same file name that was parsed in.
- Tips:
If down the line F4PGA fails, try not replicating instances with “iopadmap” in their name that are next to non-replicated ports. E.g. inserting reduction voters. Don’t put them between ports and instances called “iopadmap” (even if it’s not a buffer). Put the voters on the inner side of those (before or after depending on port direction).
See also Run Netlist Fixes
Running F4PGA
In a directory with all the files, one should be able to run the following:
>>> make -C .
F4PGA will run and generate a bitstream.
Synchronous Counter Example With Example Files
- Notes:
All files are in the same directory
Notice how we only replicate the output ports so those are the only constraints we need to specify in the CONSTRAINT_NEW file
xc7.f4pga.tcl has been modified as explained above
current_dir := ${CURDIR}
TOP := synchronouscounter
TARGET := basys3
SOURCES := ${current_dir}/synchronouscounter.v
TMR_SCRIPT := ${current_dir}/tmr_script.py
XDC := ${current_dir}/constraints.xdc
CONSTRAINT_NEW := ${current_dir}/new_constraints.txt
include common.mk
common.mk (this file is as described above and can be copied exactly)
TOP := $(strip ${TOP})
TARGET := $(strip ${TARGET})
BUILDDIR := ${current_dir}/build
# Set board properties based on TARGET variable
ifeq ($(TARGET),arty_35)
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcsg324-1
OFL_BOARD := arty_a7_35t
else ifeq ($(TARGET),arty_100)
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a100tcsg324-1
OFL_BOARD := arty_a7_100t
else ifeq ($(TARGET),nexys4ddr)
DEVICE := xc7a100t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a100tcsg324-1
OFL_BOARD := unsupported
else ifeq ($(TARGET),zybo)
DEVICE := xc7z010_test
PARTNAME := xc7z010clg400-1
OFL_BOARD := zybo_z7_10
else ifeq ($(TARGET),nexys_video)
DEVICE := xc7a200t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a200tsbg484-1
OFL_BOARD := nexysVideo
else ifeq ($(TARGET),basys3)
DEVICE := xc7a50t_test
PARTNAME := xc7a35tcpg236-1
$(error Unsupported board type)
# Determine the type of constraint being used
ifneq (${XDC},)
XDC_CMD := -x ${XDC}
ifneq (${SDC},)
SDC_CMD := -s ${SDC}
ifneq (${PCF},)
PCF_CMD := -p ${PCF}
# Determine if we should use Surelog/UHDM to read sources
ifneq (${SURELOG_CMD},)
# Build design
all: ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}/${TOP}.bit
mkdir -p ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_synth -t ${TOP} ${SURELOG_OPT} -v ${SOURCES} -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -p ${PARTNAME} ${XDC_CMD} \
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_pack -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} ${SDC_CMD} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_place -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} ${PCF_CMD} -n ${TOP}.net -P ${PARTNAME} ${SDC_CMD} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_route -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE} ${SDC_CMD} 2>&1 > /dev/null
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_write_fasm -e ${TOP}.eblif -d ${DEVICE}
cd ${BOARD_BUILDDIR} && symbiflow_write_bitstream -d ${BITSTREAM_DEVICE} -f ${TOP}.fasm -p ${PARTNAME} -b ${TOP}.bit
download: ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}/${TOP}.bit
if [ $(TARGET)='unsupported' ]; then \
echo "The commands needed to download the bitstreams to the board type specified are not currently supported by the F4PGA makefiles. \
Please see documentation for more information."; \
openFPGALoader -b ${OFL_BOARD} ${BOARD_BUILDDIR}/${TOP}.bit
rm -rf ${BUILDDIR}
Verilog Source File (synchronouscounter.v)
module synchronouscounter(clk,reset,count);
input clk,reset;
output reg [3:0] count;
always@(posedge clk)
count <= 4'b0000;
count <= count + 1;
XDC (constraints.xdc)
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN W5 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { clk }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V17 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { reset }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U16 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { count[0] }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN E19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { count[1] }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN U19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { count[2] }];
set_property -dict { PACKAGE_PIN V19 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 } [get_ports { count[3] }];
CONSTRAINT_NEW (new_constraints.txt)
count_TMR_0[0] U16
count_TMR_0[1] E19
count_TMR_0[2] U19
count_TMR_0[3] V19
count_TMR_1[0] U15
count_TMR_1[1] U14
count_TMR_1[2] V14
count_TMR_1[3] V13
count_TMR_2[0] W3
count_TMR_2[1] U3
count_TMR_2[2] P3
count_TMR_2[3] N3
TMR_SCRIPT (tmr_script.py)
import os
import spydrnet as sdn
from spydrnet.uniquify import uniquify
from spydrnet_tmr.transformation.replication.nmr import apply_nmr
from spydrnet_tmr.analysis.voter_insertion.find_after_ff_voter_points import find_after_ff_voter_points
from spydrnet_tmr.analysis.identify_reduction_points import identify_reduction_points
from spydrnet_tmr.support_files.vendor_names import XILINX
from spydrnet_tmr.transformation.replication.organ import GenericEBLIFVoter
from spydrnet_tmr.transformation.replication.organ_insertion import insert_organs
from spydrnet.util.selection import Selection
from spydrnet_tmr.f4pga import fix_and_update_constraints
from spydrnet_tmr.f4pga import connect_unconn_to_dummy
def run_tmr(netlist_name, new_constraints_file=None):
print("Attempting to replicate design using Spydrnet")
netlist = sdn.parse(netlist_name)
# netlist.compose("before_TMR.eblif")
hinstances = list(x for x in netlist.get_hinstances(filter = lambda x: x.item.is_leaf()
and "VCC" not in x.name
and "GND" not in x.name
and "ibuf" not in x.name.lower()
and "IBUF" not in x.item.reference.name ))
instances = list(x.item for x in hinstances)
hports = list(x for x in netlist.get_hports() if x.item.direction is sdn.OUT)
ports = list(x.item for x in hports)
# this will return an empty set because f4pga renames primitives and spydrnet doesn't recognize them (e.g. FDRE is FDRE_ZINI)
insertion_points = find_after_ff_voter_points(netlist, [*hinstances, *hports], XILINX)
# so manually find the insertion points here
for instance in netlist.get_instances():
if "FDRE" in instance.reference.name:
output_pin = next(pin for pin in instance.get_pins(selection=Selection.OUTSIDE,
filter = lambda x: x.inner_pin.port.direction is sdn.OUT))
suffix = "TMR"
replicas = apply_nmr([*instances, *ports], 3, suffix, True)
# check for any points needing reduction voters and add them to the insertion points set
insertion_points_more = identify_reduction_points(replicas, suffix)
for point in insertion_points_more:
print("Total Insertion Points Found: " + str(len(insertion_points)))
voters = insert_organs(replicas, insertion_points, GenericEBLIFVoter(),"VOTER",True)
if os.path.isfile(new_constraints_file):
fix_and_update_constraints(netlist, replicas, new_constraints_file, suffix)
print("Design successfully replicated using Spydrnet")
import sys
if __name__:
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
run_tmr(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])