
spydrnet_tmr.insert_organs(replicas, insertion_points, organ, name_suffix='ORGAN', replicate_organ=True, reuse_cables=False)

Inserts organs (voters, detectors, etc.) at the specified insertion points.

Accepted insertion_point types:
  • output pin - for simple insert at that pin and all of its replicated counterparts

  • input pin - for simple insert at that pin and all of its replicated counterparts

  • tuple (source pin, frozenset(sink pins)) - for complex insert. An organ will be placed between the source pin and the specified sink pins.

  • replicas – the map from an original element to its replicas generated by apply_nmr

  • insertion_points – list of outer pins of where organs should be inserted

  • organ – type of organ to insert (e.g. XilinxDWCDetector)

  • name_suffix – string to append to organ instance names (e.g. ‘DETECTOR’)

  • replicate_organ

  • reuse_cables – create multibit cables when possible instead of creating a unique cable for each voter.


a map from insertion point to all organs