Xilinx TMR

This is a xilinx TMR example using SpyDrNet TMR

The number of times each primitive is instanced before and after triplicating will be printed.


Identified 4 insertion points for reduction voters.
{(<spydrnet.ir.OuterPin object at 0x7fa5a2dca400>, <spydrnet.ir.InnerPin object at 0x7fa5a2e63780>), (<spydrnet.ir.OuterPin object at 0x7fa5a2dca590>, <spydrnet.ir.InnerPin object at 0x7fa5a2e637c0>), (<spydrnet.ir.OuterPin object at 0x7fa5a2dca0e0>, <spydrnet.ir.InnerPin object at 0x7fa5a2e63700>), (<spydrnet.ir.OuterPin object at 0x7fa5a2dca270>, <spydrnet.ir.InnerPin object at 0x7fa5a2e63740>)}

Primitive count before and after TMR:
         BUFG :  1  -->  3
         IBUF :  4  -->  12
         LUT1 :  1  -->  3
         LUT3 :  1  -->  7
         LUT4 :  1  -->  3
         LUT5 :  1  -->  3
         OBUF :  4  -->  12
         FDCE :  4  -->  12
         INV :  0  -->  0

import spydrnet as sdn
from spydrnet.uniquify import uniquify
from spydrnet_tmr import apply_nmr, insert_organs
from spydrnet_tmr.support_files.vendor_names import XILINX
from spydrnet_tmr.apply_tmr_to_netlist import apply_tmr_to_netlist
from spydrnet_tmr.analysis.voter_insertion.find_reduction_voter_points import find_reduction_voter_points
from spydrnet_tmr.transformation.replication.organ import XilinxTMRVoter

# set_property design_mode GateLvl [current_fileset]
# set_property edif_top_file <path_to_file> [current_fileset]
# link_design -part <part_number> -mode out_of_context
netlist = sdn.load_example_netlist_by_name(
)  # loading an example, use `sdn.parse(<netlist filename>)` otherwise

# uniquify is called to insure that non-leaf definitions are instanced only once, prevents unintended transformations.

# set instances_to_replicate [get_cells -hierarchical -filter {PRIMITIVE_LEVEL==LEAF||PRIMITIVE_LEVEL==MACRO}]
hinstances_to_replicate = list(
        recursive=True, filter=lambda x: x.item.reference.is_leaf() is True

# set ports_to_replicate [get_ports]
hports_to_replicate = list(
    netlist.get_hports(filter=lambda x: x.item.direction is sdn.IN)

instances_to_replicate = list(x.item for x in hinstances_to_replicate)

ports_to_replicate = list(x.item for x in hports_to_replicate)

# valid_voter_point_dict = dict()
# valid_voter_point_dict["reduction"] = [
#     *netlist.get_hports(),
#     *hinstances_to_replicate,
# ]

# # find out where to insert reduction voters
# netlist = apply_tmr_to_netlist(
#     netlist,
#     XILINX,
#     hinstances_and_hports_to_replicate=[
#         *hports_to_replicate,
#         *hinstances_to_replicate,
#     ],
#     valid_voter_point_dict=valid_voter_point_dict,

insertion_points = find_reduction_voter_points(netlist,
    [*hinstances_to_replicate, *hports_to_replicate],

replicas = apply_nmr(
    [*instances_to_replicate, *ports_to_replicate],
voters = insert_organs(replicas, insertion_points, XilinxTMRVoter(), "VOTER")

# )

# print the number of times each primitive is instanced
def instance_count(original_netlist, new_netlist):
    print("\nPrimitive count before and after TMR:")
    primitives_library = next(
        new_netlist.get_libraries("hdi_primitives"), None
    for primitive in primitives_library.get_definitions():
        i = 0
        j = 0
        for instance in original_netlist.get_instances():
            if primitive.name == instance.reference.name:
                i += 1
        for instance in new_netlist.get_instances():
            if primitive.name == instance.reference.name:
                j += 1
        print("\t", primitive.name, ": ", i, " --> ", j)

instance_count(sdn.load_example_netlist_by_name("fourBitCounter"), netlist)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.017 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery