Registered Inverter TMR Example

In this example, there is a global clock buffer that is triplicated. This allows for a global clock buffer for each TMR domain in case a BUFG fails. It is possible that a synchronous element in the design may not be triplicated, and needs a signal from a BUFG. When a synchronous element that receives a signal from a BUFG is not triplicated, special care needs to be taken to ensure that a voter is not placed in its path, but rather that the non-replicated synchronous element just receives its clock signal from the primary TMR domain. If a voter is placed in its path, this could result in large hold time violations

This is a good example of how to use SpyDrNet TMR to selectively replicate a design and still maintain performance by controlling the placement of voters.


Identified 3 insertion points for reduction voters.

from spydrnet.uniquify import uniquify
from spydrnet_tmr import load_example_netlist_by_name
from spydrnet_tmr.apply_tmr_to_netlist import apply_tmr_to_netlist
from spydrnet_tmr.support_files.vendor_names import XILINX

def run():
    Generate netlist with no voters after BUFGs
    netlist_name = "registered_inverter"

    non_replicated_instance_names = {

    generate_tmr_netlist(netlist_name, non_replicated_instance_names)

def generate_tmr_netlist(netlist_name, non_replicated_instance_names):
    Generate a TMR netlist

    netlist = load_example_netlist_by_name(netlist_name)

    # Find hierarchical references to all leaf finstances and exclude the given
    # non-replicated instances from the list
    hinstances_to_replicate = list(
            filter=lambda x: x.item.reference.is_leaf() is True
            and not in non_replicated_instance_names,

    # Find hierarchical references to top-level ports
    valid_voter_point_dict = dict()
    valid_voter_point_dict["reduction"] = list(
        for x in hinstances_to_replicate
        if not in {"BUFG"}


    netlist_tmr_name = netlist_name + "_tmr"
    netlist.compose(netlist_tmr_name + ".edf")


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.008 seconds)

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