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A Tcl-based CAD Tool Framework for Xilinx's Vivado Design Suite
All of the Tcl procs provided in the design package are members of the tincr
Namespaces | |
bel_pins | |
The bel_pins ensemble encapsulates the bel_pin class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
bels | |
The bels ensemble encapsulates the bel class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
cells | |
The cells ensemble encapsulates the cell class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
clocks | |
The clocks ensemble encapsulates the clock class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
designs | |
The designs ensemble encapsulates the design class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
lib_cells | |
The lib_cells ensemble encapsulates the lib_cell class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
lib_pins | |
The lib_pins ensemble encapsulates the lib_pin class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
libs | |
The libs ensemble encapsulates the lib class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
macros | |
The macros ensemble encapsulates the macro class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
nets | |
The nets ensemble encapsulates the net class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
nodes | |
The noes ensemble encapsulates the node class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
package_pins | |
The package_pins ensemble encapsulates the package_pin class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
parts | |
The parts ensemble encapsulates the part class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
pblocks | |
The pblocks ensemble encapsulates the pblock class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
pins | |
The pins ensemble encapsulates the pin class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
pips | |
The pips ensemble encapsulates the pip class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
ports | |
The ports ensemble encapsulates the port class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
site_pins | |
The site_pins ensemble encapsulates the site_pin class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
site_pips | |
The site_pips ensemble encapsulates the site_pip class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
sites | |
The sites ensemble encapsulates the site class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
tiles | |
The tiles ensemble encapsulates the tile class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
wires | |
The wires ensemble encapsulates the wire class from Vivado's Tcl data structure. | |
Functions | |
get_default_value cell config | |
reset_configuration cell config_list | |
get_supported_libcells | |
get_supported_leaf_libcells | |
get_supported_macro_cells | |
random_placer ?seed? ?verbose? | |
parse_argsx flags options statements args | |
refresh_packages | |
diff_files args | |
print args | |
print_list args | |
set_tcl_display_limit limit | |
reset_tcl_display_limit | |
parse_options _args | |
parse_flags_and_options _args | |
parse_args options flags optional required arguments | |
extract_flag flag var_name args_name | |
parse_args2 flags options statements args | |
parse_arguments provided_args args | |
generate_namespace_export_list args | |
assert condition ?message? | |
binary_search list search | |
dict_difference dict1 dict2 ?nesting_level? | |
count_dict_leaves dict nesting_levels ?count_as? | |
lequal l1 l2 | |
list_match search values | |
foreach_element cmd list | |
build_list args | |
lpop varName | |
lremove varName index | |
min args | |
max args | |
minimum_index list | |
maximum_index list | |
contains_substring string substring | |
ends_with string1 string2 | |
starts_with string1 string2 | |
is_valid_filename filename | |
add_extension args | |
suffix string token | |
report_runtime cmd ?format? | |
average_runtime args | |
format_time value ?format? | |
catch_info cmd | |
print_verbose message ?newline? | |
compare_objects obj1 obj2 | |
diff_objects obj1 obj2 | |
list_properties objects ?property_regex? | |
print_object_properties obj | |
remove_speedgrade partname | |
process_handler chan | |
spawn_vivado_run script | |
run_in_temporary_project args | |
organize_by elements ?property? | |
get_name obj | |
get_type obj | |
get_class obj | |
run_rapidsmith_command cmd | |
test_routethrough bel expected_inpin expected_outpin | |
test_static_sources bel | |
report_property_values cell property_list | |
report_cell_placement_info cell | |
report_physical_net_info net | |
report_vcc_routing_info | |
report_gnd_routing_info | |
report_used_site_count | |
report_used_site_pips site | |
test_default_cell cell | |
test_port_placement port expected_port_loc | |
write_tcp filename | |
write_rscp args | |
read_tcp args | |
sort_cells_for_export cells | |
write_design_info args | |
write_placement_xdc args | |
write_routing_xdc args | |
get_design_info args | |
get_pins_to_lock cell | |
write_macros ?filename? | |
write_placement_rs2 ?filename? | |
get_internal_macro_nets macro | |
write_routing_rs2 args | |
read_tcp_ooc_test filename | |
write_tcp_ooc_test filename | |
write_tcp_for_pblock filename pblock nets | |
get_internal_nets pblock | |
group_cells_by_clock_region | |
get_closest_clb_tile tile ?direction? | |
get_leftmost_slice clb | |
get_rightmost_slice clb | |
is_clb_tile tile | |
write_macro_xml macro outfile | |
print_rapidSmith_license outfile | |
create_xml_cell_library ?part? ?filename? ?threshold? | |
test_cell_library ?part? | |
create_xml_device_info directory partname | |
create_xml_family_info filename family ?vsrt_bels_file? | |
write_xdlrc args | |
write_xdlrc_tile tile outfile brief | |
append_primitive_def site_type outfile | |
write_primitive_defs args | |
write_partial_primitive_def site filename ?includeConfigs? | |
write_vcc_primitive_def directory | |
write_gnd_primitive_def directory | |
get_primitive_def_cover_set parts ?trials? | |
write_all_partial_primitive_defs ?includeConfigs? | |
extract_all_partial_primitive_defs path ?arch? ?includeConfigs? | |
get_parts_unique ?arch? | |
All of the Tcl procs provided in the design package are members of the tincr
All of the Tcl procs provided in the BYU packages are members of the byu namespace.
tincr::append_primitive_def | site_type outfile | ||
Appends the primitive definition corresponding to site_type
of the current device to the output stream provided by output
site_type | The site type of the corresponding primitive definition. |
outfile | The output stream that the primitive definition is to be written to. |
tincr::assert | condition ?message? | ||
Asserts that the specified condition is true if assertions are enabled. Example Usage: assert {$temperature < 100} "Temperature is too high"
condition | The condition to check |
message | Optional message to print if the assertion fails |
tincr::create_xml_cell_library | ?part? ?filename? ?threshold? | ||
Creates a cell library XML file that can be used by RapidSmith version 2.0. This function should not be called if a project is currently opened.
filename | Optional parameter to specify the generated cell library name. The default name is "cellLibrary_part.xml" |
part | Xilinx FPGA part to generate a cell library for |
threshold | Threshold of configurable pin mappings to compute before quitting. (currently not used but will be used in the future) |
tincr::create_xml_device_info | directory partname | ||
Creates a new device info XML in the specified directory for the specified part. Currently, the device info XML stores additional information about pads in a device (i.e. clock pads and bel to package pin mappings). Other useful information may be added in the future. NOTE: any open projects will be closed when this function is called.
Example Usage: tincr::create_xml_device_info /home/ xcku025-ffva1156-1-c
This will create the file "/home/device_info_xcku025ffva1156.xml"
directory | Directory to create the device info file in. If this parameter is not an existing directory, an error will be thrown. |
partname | Full partname of a Vivado device |
tincr::create_xml_family_info | filename family ?vsrt_bels_file? | ||
Creates a new familyInfo.xml file for the specified family This XML file contains additional device information/corrections that are not included in the XDLRC generated from <tincr::write_xdlrc>"()".
filename | Output XML file. If the file does not end in ".xml", then ".xml" will be appended. |
family | The family to generate the family info for. Possible options include: |
vsrt_bels_file | (Optional) The VSRT "addedBels.txt" file generated while creating primitive defs in VSRT. If you don't know what this means, you can safely ignore it. |
tincr::extract_all_partial_primitive_defs | path ?arch? ?includeConfigs? | ||
Produces a partial .def file for each primitive site of each part in the xilinx family. This function should be called only when a new xilinx series is released. The files produced from this script are intended to be used by the VSRT tool of the RapidSmith2 repository.
NOTE: When the script is running, some warnings will be printed to the screen, but they can be ignored.
cfg | Add this option if you want to include cfg strings in your primitive def files. |
path | The path you want the family directories and files to be written to. |
arch | Architecture to generate primitive defs for currently, possible options include |
tincr::get_default_value | cell config | ||
Gets the default value of a configuration for a given cell. For example, calling tincr::cells::get_default_value $cell IS_C_INVERTED
on a Flip Flop cell will return the CONFIG.IS_C_INVERTED.DEFAULT
property of the backing library cell.
cell | Cell instance |
config | Configuration to get the default value of |
tincr::get_design_info | args | ||
Parses a design.info file of a TCP and returns the requested information. Currently, it is used to parse the partname that a given design is implemented on.
USAGE: tincr::get_design_info filename info
Argument | list shown in the usage statement above. The parameter "filename" is the design.info file to parse. The parameter "info" is the name of the key to parse (i.e. part). |
tincr::get_internal_macro_nets | macro | ||
Finds the nets inside of macro primitives that are NOT connected to a macro pin. The routing information for these nets need to be exported when creating a RSCP.
macro | Macro cell instance |
tincr::get_parts_unique | ?arch? | ||
Returns a list of unique parts, ignoring speed grade and package type
arch | Optional architecture parameter. Only parts that match the specified architecture will be returned. |
tincr::get_pins_to_lock | cell | ||
For a LUT cell, this function returns the pin mappings of the LUTs input pins
cell | Cell in the currently opened design |
tincr::get_primitive_def_cover_set | parts ?trials? | ||
Get the minimum set cover of parts that together contain all of the possible site types for the list of given parts.
parts | The set of parts that comprise the universal set of site types. |
trial | The number of trials (default is 300). |
tincr::get_supported_leaf_libcells |
Creates a list of all supported leaf cells in the current device. Leaf cells are marked as supported if, when instantiated, the reference name of the cell instance matches the name of the library cell. Macro cells are excluded.
tincr::get_supported_libcells |
Creates a list of all supported cells in the current device. Cells are marked as supported if, when instantiated, the reference name of the cell instance matches the name of the library cell. Macro cells are included. TODO: update this
tincr::get_supported_macro_cells |
Creates a list of all supported MACRO primitive cells in the current device. Macro cells are marked as supported if, when instantiated, the reference name of the cell instance matches the name of the library cell.
tincr::parse_argsx | flags options statements args | ||
Parses a list of arguments and generates a Usage statement when wrong tincr::parse_args {?{a|b}? c} {d ?e? {f|{g h}}} {i ?j? {k l}...}
tincr::print_list | args | ||
Prints a list to specified channel with the specified header
print_list | The list to print |
header | Optional header to print before the list |
channel | Channel to print the list to. The default channel is stdout |
newline | Specifies whether to print a new line between list elements. Default is no. |
tincr::print_rapidSmith_license | outfile | ||
Prints the RapidSmith license to the specified XML file
outfile | XML file handle |
tincr::print_verbose | message ?newline? | ||
Imports all commands currently in the ::byu namespace into the global namespace. This is simply an alias of the command namespace import tincr::*
tincr::read_tcp | args | ||
Parses a TCP design representation and creates an equivalent design in Vivado. The TCP format is extensively documented in the RapidSmith2 tech report at https://github.com/byuccl/RapidSmith2/tree/master/doc and Thomas Townsend's Masters thesis. The required rules to follow when formatting TCP is also found in TT's Masters thesis published at BYU.
USAGE: tincr::read_tcp [-quiet] [-verbose] [-ooc] filename
args | Argument list shown in the usage statement above. The "-quiet " flag can be used to suppress console output. The "-verbose" flag can be used to print all messages to the console. This is useful for printing error messages. The flag "-ooc" can be used to load a design "out_of_context". The required filename parameter specifies the TCP to load into Vivado. |
tincr::remove_speedgrade | partname | ||
Removes the speedgrade on the specified part
partname | Full name of the part |
tincr::report_cell_placement_info | cell | ||
Prints the placement information of a cell to standard out in the following format:
(1) sitename/belname ; what bel the cell is placed on
(2) cellpin1 belpin1 belpin2 ; the cell pin to bel pin mappings for a cell pin
(3) cellpin2 belpin1 belpin2 ;
This function is used to verify that a cell has been imported into RapidSmith correctly.Used for testing that cell of a design have been imported correctly
cell | Name of the cell to |
tincr::report_gnd_routing_info |
Prints the wires, cell pins, and bel pins of ALL GND nets in the currently opened design The output format is the same as ::tincr::get_physical_net_info
tincr::report_physical_net_info | net | ||
Prints the wires, cell pins, and bel pins of the net to standard out in the following format:
"wire1 wire2 ... \n"
"pin1 pin2 ... pin3"
"belpin1 belpin2 ... belpin3"
This function is used to verify that a net has been imported correctly into RapidSmith
tincr::report_property_values | cell property_list | ||
Prints the values of the properties in
for the specified cell. The properties are printed in the following format:
"propertyName1 propertyValue1\n"
"propertyName2 propertyValue2\n"
This function is used to verify cell properties in RapidSmith
cell | Name of a cell |
property_list | list of property names |
tincr::report_runtime | cmd ?format? | ||
Format a string so that it is valid XML. This replaces illegal characters with their proper entity references. This function is implemented as an alias of a string map function.
tincr::report_used_site_count |
Returns the number of used sites in the currently opened design
tincr::report_used_site_pips | site | ||
Prints the used site pips for the specified site to standard out This function is used to verify that site pips in RapidSmith were imported correctly.
site | Name of a site |
tincr::report_vcc_routing_info |
Prints the wires, cell pins, and bel pins of ALL VCC nets in the currently opened design The output format is the same as ::tincr::get_physical_net_info
tincr::reset_configuration | cell config_list | ||
Resets the specified configuration of the cell to their default.
cell | Cell instance |
config_list | List of configurations to reset |
tincr::reset_tcl_display_limit |
Resets the tcl display limit to the default of 500
tincr::run_rapidsmith_command | cmd | ||
Executes a command send from a running instance of RapidSmith. The "rs_start" and "rs_end" are used to communicate with RapidSmith when the command has started or completed.
tincr::set_tcl_display_limit | limit | ||
Sets the tcl standard out display limit. Passing in 0 will disable the tcl display limit completely.
limit | tcl display limit. default is 500 |
tincr::sort_cells_for_export | cells | ||
Sorts the cells of SLICE sites in the the order that is required to import the design successfully.
cells | List of cells to sort |
tincr::suffix | string token | ||
Splits the string
by token
, and returns the last element in the list. Helper function used to get the relative name of Vivado elements. For example, the call suffix "I/am/a/test" "/"
will return the string "test."
string | The string to split |
token | The token to split the string on |
tincr::test_cell_library | ?part? | ||
Function to test the create_xml_cell_library
function with assertions and debugging enabled.
part | Xilinx FPGA part |
tincr::test_default_cell | cell | ||
Tests that a the specified cell has only the default values for each configurable property This function is used to verify that cells in RapidSmith with no properties have all default properties.
Name | of a cell |
tincr::test_port_placement | port expected_port_loc | ||
Tests that the placement of the port with the given name matches the expected port placement
port | Name of the port to test |
expected_port_loc | expected site location of the port |
tincr::test_routethrough | bel expected_inpin expected_outpin | ||
Tests if the specified bel is a routethrough under a certain configuration. Specifically, this function checks that [get_property CONFIG.EQN]="(expected_outpin)=(expected_inpin)"
bel | Name of a bel |
expected_inpin | Expected input pin of the routethrough |
expected_outpin | Expected output pin of the routethrough |
tincr::test_static_sources | bel | ||
Test that the specified Bel is a static source bel (i.e. the configuration equation is 0 or 1).
bel | Name of a bel |
tincr::write_design_info | args | ||
Creates the "design.info" file of a RSCP.
USAGE: tincr::write_design_info [ooc] filename
args | Argument list shown in the usage statement above. The optional parameter "ooc" is used to output the mode of the design. The filename parameter is the name for the generated design.info. |
tincr::write_gnd_primitive_def | directory | ||
Creates a "GND.def" primitive definition for use in Ultrascale and later devices. This site does not actually exist on ultrascale parts, but is needed to create more accurate device descriptions.
directory | Directory to create the "GND.def" file in |
tincr::write_macro_xml | macro outfile | ||
Generates an XML cell-specification for the specified Macro cell.
Macro | cell instance |
outfile | XML file handle |
tincr::write_macros | ?filename? | ||
Looks for macro cells in the design that aren't in the list of cells returned from the function call "get_lib_cells", and writes the cell library XML for these cells. TODO: add caching to this
tincr::write_partial_primitive_def | site filename ?includeConfigs? | ||
Produce a partial .def file for the given primitive site. All config strings will be put inside of bel elements. For Single Bel Sites (Sites where one BEL has over 80% of all bel pins in the site), some connections will be automatically inferred and generated.
site | The site object you want to create a .def file for. Sites instanced by alternate types are acceptable. |
filename | The output file. |
includeConfigs | A boolean telling the proc whether or not to include configuration elements in the resulting .def file. |
tincr::write_placement_rs2 | ?filename? | ||
Creates the "placement.rsc" file within a RSCP. This contains all placement information about a design including:
filename | The name of the placement checkpoint file, "placement.rsc" is the default. |
tincr::write_placement_xdc | args | ||
Writes a "placement.xdc" file for a TCP. This contains all placement information or a design.
tincr::write_primitive_defs | args | ||
Appends all primitive defs of the current part to the end of a specified file.
filename | Where to write the primitive definitions. |
part | Part to generate the primitive definitions for. |
append | Append to the existing file. |
tincr::write_routing_rs2 | args | ||
Creates the "routing.rsc" file within a RSCP. This file includes:
USAGE: tincr::write_routing_rs2 [-global_logic] filename
args | Argument list shown in the usage statement above. The flag "-global_logic" is used to include VCC and GND routing. The parameter "filename" is the name of the file to write the routing information to. The parameter "internal_net_map" is a list of internal macro nets so the routing information for these nets can be exported. |
tincr::write_routing_xdc | args | ||
Writes a "routing.xdc" file for a TCP. This contains all routing information for a design.
tincr::write_rscp | args | ||
Generates a RSCP. RSCPs are an external representation of a Xilinx design which can be used to reconstruct Vivado designs in external CAD tools. The format of RSCPs are extensively documented in the RapidSmith2 tech report found at https://github.com/byuccl/RapidSmith2/tree/master/doc and Thomas Townsend's Masters Thesis.
USAGE: tincr::write_rscp [-quiet] [-ooc] filename.rscp
args Argument list as defined above. The flag "-quiet" can be used to suppress console output. The flag "-ooc" needs to be set for designs implemented "out-of-context". The filename parameter is the name for the generated RSCP.
tincr::write_tcp | filename | ||
Writes a Tincr checkpoint to file. A Tincr checkpoint is able to store a basic design, its placement, and routing in a human-readable format. consists of five files: an EDIF netlist representation and XDC files that constrain the placement and routing of the design. Currently, designs with route-throughs are not supported, though this functionality is planned for a future release of Tincr.
filename | The path and filename where the Tincr checkpoint is to be written. |
tincr::write_vcc_primitive_def | directory | ||
Creates a "VCC.def" primitive definition for use in Ultrascale and later devices. This site does not actually exist on ultrascale parts, but is needed to create more accurate device descriptions.
directory | Directory to create the "VCC.def" file in |