
spydrnet.get_pins(obj, ...)[source]

Get pins within an object.

  • obj (object, Iterable - required) – The object or objects associated with this query. Queries return a collection objects associated with the provided object or objects that match the query criteria. For example, sdn.get_ports(definition, …) would return all of the ports associated with the provided definition that match the additional criteria.

  • selection (Selection.{INSIDE, OUTSIDE}, default: INSIDE) – Controls the type of pin returned. Setting this parameter to “OUTSIDE” will return the outer pins of the objects queried. For cables, this returns the corresponding pin based on this parameter.

  • filter (function) – This is a single input function that can be used to filter out unwanted virtual instances. If not specifed, all matching virtual instances are returned. Otherwise, virtual instances that cause the filter function to evaluate to true are the only items returned.


pins – The pins associated with a particular object or collection of objects.

Return type:
