Introduction (Old Version)
Welcome to SpyDrNet, a tool that will help you analyze and transform netlists. SpyDrNet is developed and maintained by the Configurable Computing Lab of Brigham Young University. This tool is related to the BYU EDIF Tools and is considered to be the next generation tool for FPGA netlist analysis and transformation.
SpyDrNet Getting Started
This package will be available on Python Package Index shortly. Once it is, the stable release of SpyDrNet can be installed using pip
> pip install spydrnet
To install from PyPI with all optional dependicies use:
> pip install spydrnet[all]
SpyDrNet can also be installed from a source archive:
> pip install spydrnet-1.0.0.tar.gz
Or a built distribution:
> pip install spydrnet-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
If a development environment is desired, the project can be installed in editable mode from the project directory:
> pip install -e .
Tool Flow
Netlists flow through SpyDrNet in a three step process (see Fig. 6). First, they are parsed by a parser into an intermediate representation (IR). Second, their IR is analyzed and transformed. Finally, their IR is composed by a composer back into a netlist format that a 3rd-party tool can use. This flow is inspired by LLVM and Pandoc. LLVM has a similar flow for compiling computer programs and Pandoc has a similar flow for converting document formats. Using this flow, SpyDrNet is designed to be able to work on any netlist.

Fig. 6 Flow
SpyDrNet can be used to create a netlist from scratch. Thus, the API can be used to implement a parser and composer for arbitrary formats.
Parsing a netlist
SpyDrNet currently includes a parser for EDIF:
>>> netlist = sdn.parse('<netlist_filename>.edf')
Composing a netlist
SpyDrNet currently includes a composer for EDIF:
>>> sdn.compose('<filename>.edf', netlist)
Loading SpyDrNet
To load spydrnet
, import it into a Python interactive interpreter or code:
>>> import spydrnet as sdn
At this point, SpyDrNet features and functionality are accessible via sdn.<function/feature>
. The abbreviation of
is used throughout code examples to reference the spydrnet
Intermediate Representation Basics
Digital designs for FPGAs are represented as netlists, a list of components and connections. Netlists come from various vendors in many different formats. SpyDrNet allows you to look at and alter a netlist in a language inspecific way. SpyDrNet parses a netlist into an intermediate represention (IR) that is designed to be easily traversed and effortlessly manipulated. SpyDrNet aims to provide the tools you need to accomplish the netlist analysis and transformation tasks you have in mind without having to reinvent the wheel. Fig. 7 shows a summary of the SpyDrNet intermediate representation (IR).

Fig. 7 Intermediate Representaion
SpyDrNet’s intermediate representation of netlists (IR) is what sets it apart for other EDA tools. The IR is structured to house netlists in a generic way while allowing for format specific constructs to be preserved.
Most IR classes inherit from this Python class. Objects of this class are referred to as a netlist elements. A netlist element contains a dictionary for storing data specific to itself. This is accomplished using Python get/set item functions, (see Element Data).
This class of Python objects is the netlist element with the highest level of organization (a whole netlist). It contains an ordered collection of libraries and any data associated with the netlist as a whole.
This netlist element contains an ordered collection of cell or module definitions associated with a library.
A Definition outlines the contents of each component that can be instantiated elsewhere in the design. It holds information that is pertinant to all instances of itself including subcomponents ports and connections
This element holds pointers to the definition which it instances, and contains its own set of pins to be connected to within its parent definition.
The Bundle class is a parent class of Ports and Cables because each can be thought of as an array. This class defines the structure that helps us properly represent array objects in netlists including the width, direction (to or downto) and starting index. As a parent class this class is not directly instantiated in netlist.
The Port element inherits from Bundles and can be thought of as containing the information on how a Definition connects the outside world to the elements it contains.
Cables are bundles of connectors between components within a definition. They connect ports to their destination pins
The Pin class is also a parent class, inherited from by the inner pin and outer pin objects. Unlike the Element and Bundle objects, Pins are useful because they can hide some of the implementation details of the underlying inner pins and outer pins.
These pins are collected in Ports and are contained on the inside of the definitions. There is one set of inner pins per definition but they could refer to several sets of OuterPins
These pins are collected on instances. They let us distinguish between connections to multiple instances of a single definition. These objects remove the need to carefuly track hierarcy while navegating a netlist.
Wires are grouped inside cables and are elements that help hold connection information between single pins on instances within a definition and within it’s ports.
More detail on the IR is provided in API Summary.
Aracnid Etymology
Spiders are masters at spinning webs. These webs often created like nets are stronger than steel when stretched and much more elastic. SpyDrNet aims to give end users the ability to pass these traits on to their netlists by enabling reliability and other applications through generic analysis and transformations on netlist. Of course this is just scratching the surface of the ways in which this name is applicable to the tool. Finding these fun meanings is (as it is said in academia) left as an exercise to the curious reader. For now we would rather discuss what this tool can be used to do.
Other Information
SpyDrNet is part of a rising ecosystem of free and open source software (FOSS) for FPGA development. Consider MyHDL, PyEDA, Yosys, LiveHD, ABC, BLIF, RapidWright, RapidSmith, RapidSmith2, JHDL, BYU EDIF Tools, VQM, and Project X-ray.