Basic Yosys to F4PGA
Setting up Yosys and F4PGA
Install F4PGA and follow all of the steps here.
Using the command line type the following
>>> cd ~/opt/f4pga//xc7/conda/envs/xc7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/f4pga/wrappers/tcl
Open xc7.f4pga.tcl
Right before the write_blif if-else part (at the very bottom), add “hierarchy -purge_lib”
Then, add option “-blackbox” to both write_blif commands
Download all of the following files
Running Yosys, SpyDrNet TMR, and F4PGA
Once all of the files have been downloaded type navigate to their location and type in the command line
>>> make -C .
>>> make download -C .
Note: This will run Yosys and F4PGA then download the bitstream to the board
Programming Device
To download the bitstream to the board using the command line
>>> make download
Verifying if the Design Works
The counter in this design increments when btnc is pressed. Once it reaches a count of 15 (4 LEDs are on) it rolls over to 0 and starts counting up again. If at any point btnu is pressed the count is reset to 0. Since this is a TMR design there should be 3 sets of 4 leds in total.
Set 1 (LEDS 0-3), Set 2 (LEDs 5-8), Set 3 (LEDs 10-13)
This example was designed using a BASYS 3 board. If a different FPGA is being used the simpleCounter.xdc and the new_constraints.txt file will need to be modified accordingly.
Make sure all of the files are in the same location. If not the path to the file will need to be specified in the Makefile
If getting errors with make sure that all of the indents are tabs and not spaces.