
spydrnet_tmr.utils.design_rule_check.drc_connections_after_replication_and_insertion.check_connections(original_netlist, modified_netlist, suffix, organ_names=[], write_enable=False)

Looks at each leaf instance’s pins in both netlists and finds what it drives/what drives it and makes sure corresponding instance pins between the netlists match up.

  • original_netlist – original netlist

  • modified_netlist – the replicated netlist. Can contain organs (voters/detectors)

  • suffix – string appended to the replicated instances’ names (e.g. ‘TMR’ or ‘DWC’)

  • organ_name – list of names of the organs inserted into the design (e.g. [‘VOTER’, ‘DETECTOR’])

  • write_enable (bool) – output results to text file


bool (matched, not_matched)

For example, if the instance ‘a_lut_3’ has a pin that drives the data_in port on the instance ‘a_flip_flop’ in the original design, it will make sure that ‘a_lut_3_TMR_0’ has a pin that drives the data_in port on ‘a_flip_flop_TMR_0’ (it will check this for both TMR_1 and TMR_2 as well). See figure below.
