
The SpyDrNet TMR documentation is designed to enhance the user’s experience and empower them to accomplish their goals with all or any of the features that are available to in the suite.



Sphinx has a todo extenstion that allows for inline todos in documentation. To enable to inclusion of TODOs in documentation build, set todo_include_todos to True in When it is set true, all of the todos in the documentation will be listed here.


Create a page that talks about blackboxes.

(The original entry is located in /home/jacobb00/tmr/delete_later/spydrnet-tmr/docs/reference/replication/spydrnet_tmr.rst, line 34.)


Make a figure showing a lut-register pair with tight feedback driving a long chain of combinational logic. show that a voter can be inserted between the register output and the LUT input without lengthening the downstream combinational path (beyond the added load of the voter - i.e., the voter is not placed in the critical path.

(The original entry is located in /home/jacobb00/tmr/delete_later/spydrnet-tmr/docs/reference/replication/spydrnet_tmr.rst, line 146.)


Add details about the various voter insertion algorithms that could be used including split vote (if the two on the end agree, have them use their own signal, if they disagree, use the middle signal).

(The original entry is located in /home/jacobb00/tmr/delete_later/spydrnet-tmr/docs/reference/replication/spydrnet_tmr.rst, line 153.)