
SpyDrNet developers strive to provide high quality code that is well tested. To help accomplish this goal, the built-in Python Unit testing framework is used in conjunction with the pytest package.

Running Tests

There are many ways to execute the suite of tests that have been developed for SpyDrNet. SpyDrNet source code can be tested by executing the following command from within the directory of the repository:

pytest spydrnet

If SpyDrNet has been installed (as a release or in developer mode) the tests can run using the following command:

pytest --pyargs spydrnet

If SpyDrNet can be imported, then its tests can be run:

>>> import spydrnet as sdn
>>> sdn.test()
spydrnet.test(verbosity=1, doctest=False)

Run SpyDrNet tests.

  • verbosity (integer, optional) – Level of detail in test reports. Higher numbers provide more detail.

  • doctest (bool, optional) – True to run doctests in code modules

Code Coverage

Optionally, test code coverage information can be collected using the pytest-cov package and the --cov pytest flag:

> pytest --cov <additional arguments>

The pytest-cov package must be installed to generate this report:

> pip install pytest-cov

The report can be limited to a subset of code by adding a module path to the --cov flag:

> pytest --cov=spydrnet.<dot path to specific module or package>

The coverage report can be extended to included the terms missing from the test by setting the --cov-report flag:

> pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing

Generally, 100% code coverage is desired. Listing any terms missing greatly assists in the construction of additional tests.